Huron County, Ontario – As families, teachers and childcare workers adjust to the realities of a new school year, the County of Huron is committed to supporting the back to school plans, established by the Avon Maitland District School Board and the Huron Perth Catholic School Board in consultation with Huron Perth Public Health, to ensure both the community and its learning environments remain as safe as possible.
“We recognize that this next phase of reopening is challenging for many people,” said Warden Jim Ginn. “It is important that we, as a community, show support for those returning to the classroom or choosing virtual learning this September, by continuing to follow public health guidelines and practicing kindness and empathy to one another. Like every other hurdle we’ve faced over the course of this pandemic, we will do this together.”
Huron County has diligently maintained its efforts in preventing the spread of this virus, thanks to community members who have continued to take the proper precautions during the gradual reopening stages. In order to maintain levels of control and to support students and teachers who are heading back to the classroom in this next phase of reopening, it is essential that all Huron County residents continue following all public health recommendations including:
- Staying home if feeling unwell;
- Practicing physical distancing;
- Wearing a mask or face covering when indoors and/or when physical distancing is not possible;
- Practicing hand hygiene; and
- Continuing to practice kindness and understanding as we navigate through upcoming changes.
“And to our local youth, parents and teachers, I would like to say, thank you,” continued Warden Ginn. “You have all made many sacrifices that were necessary to keep our community safe. You’ve tackled the challenges of online learning and many changes to our education system. You’ve done a great job in helping to manage this pandemic and I wish you all the success and happiness in your return to school in the coming weeks.”
Knowing that there may opportunities to adjust and adapt as the local circumstances around COVID-19 change, the County of Huron continues to support Huron Perth Public Health to best position schools for their successful reopening for the health, safety and wellbeing of students and staff.
For more information on the safe reopening of schools, visit the Huron Perth Public Health website, and stay informed on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in Huron County by visiting