RFPs & Tenders

Current Business Opportunities

HCPW 25-503 Bannockburn Bridge Rehabilitation

The County of Huron is seeking to engage the services of a qualified contractor to provide professional services for the rehabilitation of one bridge in Huron County. The details of which are outlined in the tender document. Electronic submissions will be accepted...

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The Corporation of the County of Huron is not responsible for submissions which are not properly marked and/or delivered to any other location, other than specified herein.

Incomplete documents and documents received after the deadline will be returned unopened to the bidder.

The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted.

Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) – Notice of Participation

The Corporation of the County of Huron intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by Local Authority Services (LAS) between January 2020 and December 2020. For further information and access to LAS request for proposal (RFP) notices, please review the website at www.las.on.ca.