Emergency Management

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere.

Take action to ensure you are prepared to protect yourself and your household during an emergency in three simple steps:

  • Know the risks.
  • Make a plan.
  • Get an emergency kit.

Learn more about emergency preparedness and local resources below.


What To Do In An Emergency

Winter Storm





Power Outage

Be Prepared

What is an emergency?

An emergency is any dangerous or potentially dangerous situation that could hurt people, cause death, or severely damage homes and property. Emergencies can result from natural, technological, or human causes. Although an emergency event might be caused by a natural event (e.g. a tornado), it’s likely to produce a secondary effect (e.g., a power outage).

Huron County residents and households are strongly encouraged to be prepared for an emergency by making a household emergency plan and building an emergency kit.

72-Hour Emergency Kits

In an emergency, it may take emergency workers some time to reach you. Be prepared by having a 72-hour kit that can hold supplies to support you and your household for three days in an emergency situation. If you have a car, consider keeping an emergency kit in your vehicle, especially for the cold weather season.

Emergency Plans

An emergency plan says how you and your household will respond to a disaster, and helps you save time and keep you safe. Making an emergency plan for your household is easy! Create a printable Home Emergency Plan by completing a 20-minute online form.

Heading to the cottage or campground? Have your Camp, Cottage and RV Emergency Plan ready and enjoy your recreational stay safely.

Alert Ready

Alert Ready in Ontario is part of Canada’s emergency alerting system to deliver critical and potentially life-saving emergency alert messages to Canadians. Emergency alerts are distributed on radio, TV and compatible wireless devices to help ensure that Ontarians have the critical information they need in emergencies to take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their families.

Alert Ready Emergency Alert System Logo


what3words is a free-to-use location app that has divided the globe into 3metre squares and given each one a unique three word-identifier. It means any precise location can be communicated with just three words.

Ontario Provincial Police, Huron County’s local police service, are using and accepting what3words addresses. Canadian emergency services may find you faster by sharing your what3words address.

Local Radio Stations

In the event of an emergency, it is critical that everyone who is affected gets timely and accurate information. In an emergency, tune into local radio stations for up-to-the-minute information on the situation.





Huron County Emergency Management

County of Huron Emergency Plan

Municipalities routinely respond to events requiring crisis and first responder services, but some, large-scale emergencies will require large scale resources. The County of Huron Emergency Plan works to protect the health, safety, welfare, and property of Huron County residents from the effects of a major emergency.

The County reviews and updates its emergency plan annually. Together we work to ensure that our community is prepared to respond to an emergency to the best of its ability.

Learn more: County of Huron Emergency Plan

Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act

All Ontario municipalities are governed by the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA). Under this Act, the County of Huron has an emergency program that consists of:

  • An emergency plan.
  • Training programs and exercises about emergency preparedness.
  • Public education materials on emergency preparedness.
  • Additional requirements related to standards for emergency programs.
Community Emergency Management Coordinator

Every municipality in Ontario has a dedicated Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC). This specialized and highly skilled member of staff is responsible for coordinating the County’s emergency management programming including holding regular emergency preparedness drills and community public education.

The County’s CEMC also provides emergency management coordinator services to its following partner municipalities:

Helpful Links

211 Ontario

211 Ontario supports members of the public, emergency responders, municipalities, and other non-government organizations during and following an emergency incident. This public information channel disseminates authoritative information to the public and reports back to municipal officials regarding caller needs and trends. Dial 2-1-1 for trained Information & Referral specialists available 24 hours per day, every day of the year.

Get Prepared Grey Bruce Huron

Huron County’s proximity to Lake Huron can increase certain risks – including the possibility of more severe summer and winter storms – and being neighbours to Bruce Power does require certain emergency preparedness measures be met, in the highly unlikely scenario of a nuclear emergency.

www.bepreparedgreybrucehuron.com is an educational resource developed by Bruce Power in partnership with neighbouring counties and health units to help every household in the area prepare for and respond to severe weather or other emergencies which might arise.

Cover page of Community Emergency Guide


Public Safety Canada provides everything you need to know about regional hazards and emergencies, creating a household emergency plan and building an emergency kit.

Learn more at getprepared.gc.ca

Winter Driving Information

Drivers are urged to use extra caution during the winter season. Consult regional sources of information before setting out onto the road:

Emergency Preparedness Resources

You can download helpful emergency preparedness materials below!

Camp, Cottage & RV Emergency Plan

Heading to the cottage or campground? Have your Camp, Cottage and RV Emergency Plan ready and enjoy your recreational stay safely.

Camp, Cottage and RV Emergency Plan

Household Communications Plan

Along with a 72 hour kit, you could put together an emergency communications plan. This will help ensure that you and your household know who to call in an emergency situation.

Severe Winter Weather Guide

Learn more about how you can be prepared for severe winter weather including tips, winter weather information, and winter driving information.

Cover picture of the Severe Winter Weather Guide

Generator Safety

Downed utility lines, power company blackouts, heavy snow falls or summer storms can lead to power outages. Portable generators are a temporary solution to power household appliances. It’s important to know that portable generators emit carbon monoxide (CO), a poisonous, deadly gas.

Climate Change and Emergency Preparedness

Did you know that Climate Change and emergency preparedness are connected?

Climate change research has shown that Huron County is expected to have more severe weather, extreme temperatures, and higher precipitation and flooding by 2050. This can result in damage to property and risks to human health. Learn more in the infographic below. 

Emergency Preparedness Kids Activity

Being prepared for an emergency includes the whole family. Make learning about emergency preparedness fun with a kids activity! Complete a word search, colour an emergency kit, and talk about your family’s emergency plan today.

2024 Emergency Preparedness Week

Emergency Preparedness Week is happening on May 5-11, 2024. Emergency Preparedness Week is a national awareness initiative that has taken place annually since 1996. It is a collaborative event undertaken by provincial and local emergency management organizations to help raise awareness of the importance of emergency preparedness for all Canadians. Emergency Preparedness Week is an opportunity for individuals to learn how they can become prepared to protect themselves, family members, and communities during an emergency. This year, the theme is Be Prepared. Know Your Risks.

Click on the image below to download the 2024 Social Media Campaign graphics.


Contact Information

Should you have any questions relating to emergency preparedness within Huron County, please contact:

Chad Kregar
Emergency Manager/CEMC
County of Huron

ckregar [at] huroncounty [dot] ca
519.524.8394 ext. 3306