Sustainable Community Planning
Sustainable Huron
Sustainable Huron is a community-wide initiative intended to raise awareness and foster action to enhance community capacity in the face of global issues. Local communities will be affected by changes in: climate, energy prices and supply, demographics, international competition and other trends.
- For RESIDENTS sustainability begins in your home and neighbourhood.
- For COMMUNITIES sustainability means being connected, self-sufficient, resourceful and resilient; qualities which enable Huron communities cope with change.
- For the Corporation of the County of Huron sustainability calls for community engagement, informed decision making and evolution.
A strategy for sustainability must be balanced, thoughtful, and planned. It is an intentional approach to understand the three spheres – Environment, Society & Culture, and Economy – and identify directions which incorporate all three.
Past Sustainable Huron Presentations and Resources
Huron County Cycling Strategy
The County of Huron has developed a strategy intended to improve cycling safety and enjoyment in our region.
A strategy has been created by the Huron County Cycling Strategy Committee, which includes stakeholders from the cycling, health, municipal, police, tourism and transportation sectors.
Working with the Share the Road Cycling Coalition – a leader in promoting bicycle friendly communities, the committee hosted two public workshops in May of 2016 to discuss education and awareness initiatives, infrastructure improvements, and best practices adopted in other areas of Ontario. The resulting Huron County Cycling Strategy recommends a number of actions and an implementation plan that will make our communities more bicycle friendly within the next 5 years.
Huron Clean Water Project
The Huron Clean Water Project (HCWP) provides financial and technical assistance to Huron County residents to improve and protect water quality in Huron County. It is funded by the County of Huron and service delivery is provided by Ausable Bayfield and Maitland Valley conservation authorities.
Water Protection Steering Committee
The Water Protection Steering Committee was created in 2004 by the County of Huron. It was created in response to an Intensive Livestock study, and a Groundwater and Well Head Protection Study identifying the need for a new community mechanism to address water quality.
Purpose of the WPSC
- Bring stakeholders together representing a range of sectors across the entire County.
- Co-ordinate activities at a broad level (County and watershed), subject to resources of participating stakeholders.
- Help prioritize water protection projects, share funding opportunities and best management practices.
- Provide opportunities and space for building relationships, having open and honest conversations, networking and information sharing.
There is a wide range of different stakeholders that participate from all across Huron County including: lakeshore residents and lakeshore associations, industry associations including agriculture, farm groups, tourism and manufacturing, County and Municipal Councils and staff, agencies such as Conservation Authorities, Health Unit, and Stewardship and Community Groups such as the Huron Stewardship Council, Lake Huron Coastal Centre, Maitland Trail Association, etc.
Contact Planning & Development
County of Huron |
Planning & Development
57 Napier Street, 2nd Floor
Goderich, ON
N7A 1W2
Phone: 519.524.8394, ext 3
Toll Free: 1.888.524.8394, ext 3
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.