County Council

Huron County is governed by County Council, which is made up of 15 members from our 9 area municipalities. Each municipality located within Huron County is represented at County Council by their elected representatives: Mayors or Reeves, Deputy Mayors and Deputy Reeves, with some exceptions.

Biannually, County Council elects a Warden from among the Councillors. The Warden is the executive officer of the corporation and the head of County Council. The Warden chairs County Council meetings, sits as an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees, and represents the County at a wide range of functions and activities.

Each County Councillor is appointed to one of the Standing Committees or various organizational committees. Special meetings of committees can occur at the call of the Chair, CAO, County Clerk or Warden; recommendations must then be approved or endorsed by County Council.

County Council meets twice a month at the County Administration Building, 1 Courthouse Square, Goderich, Ontario. During these sessions, Council considers and adopts the minutes and recommendations of the standing committees.

As elected representatives, County Councillors are always willing to hear comments, concerns and suggestions from the public. Council and Committee meetings are open to the public, and attendance is encouraged.

The County of Huron’s Council and Committee agendas are available through our public agendas portal.

View the County of Huron Council, Board and Committee Schedule for regularly scheduled meeting dates and times.

Click here to view Procedural By-law 2022-060.

Members of Council and Local Boards adhere to and comply with the County of Huron Code of Conduct which establishes general standard to ensure that all Members share a common basis for acceptable conduct.

Declaration of Interest Registry

In accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, the Municipal Clerk maintains a Declaration of Interest Registry, which is a record of each time a Member of Council declares an interest at a Standing Committee meeting or at a Council meeting. The Declaration of Interest Forms are available for public inspection at the Municipal Office during regular office hours.

Huron County – Declaration of Interest Registry


  • pdf
    Code of Conduct for Members
  • pdf
    2024 Council Board and Committee Schedule
  • pdf
    Huron County - Accountability and Transparency Policy - 2024