Community Sustainability Plan

Take Action for Sustainable Huron cover pageThe Take Action for Sustainable Huron: Community Sustainability Plan outlines a broad, but connected range of visions, ideas and aspirations for what Huron County will be like in 2030.

This report is based on input collected from hundreds of Huron County residents, organizations, networks and community leaders. It is a community document, made by the community.

Priority projects identified within the plan to ensure the long-term well-being of this region focus on the following three pillars:

  • Environmental Integrity
  • Community and Social Well-Being
  • Economic Security

The full report can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the page, or specific chapters are available for download, as outlined below.

Community Sustainability Plan Chapters
Forward (PDF, 5 page, 600KB)
Table of Contents (PDF, 1 pages)
1 What is Sustainability?  (PDF, 7 pages, 700KB)
Definition of sustainability and why the County needs a plan for the future.
2 Priority Projects: Natural Environment (PDF, 2 pages)
Outlines goal to have healthy, resilient ecosystem and related project.
3 Priority Projects: Energy Conservation (PDF, 2 pages)
Addresses maximizing energy conservation within County.
4 Priority Projects: Population (PDF, 2 pages)
Looks at how the County can sustain moderate population growth.
5 Priority Projects: Community Needs (PDF, 2 pages)
Strategy to sustain and support valued community organizations and services.
6 Priority Projects: Healthy Active & Liveable Communities  (PDF, 2 pages)
Ways to support and promote active transportation complementing residents’ lifestyles.
7 Priority Projects: Transportation (PDF, 2 pages)
Identifies strategy to develop an accessible, efficient, active transportation network within the County.
8 Priority Projects: Liveable Communities (PDF, 3 pages)
Outlines project to preserve Huron County’s history and rural character.
9 Priority Projects: Economy and Downtowns (PDF, 2 pages)
Describes means to encourage business retention and expansion within downtowns of Huron County.
10 Priority Projects: Agriculture and Food (PDF, 2 pages)
Strategy to continue to build support and momentum for local food.
11 Priority Projects: Community Needs (PDF, 2 pages)
Looks at strategy to ensure Huron County is affordable and accessible for all residents.
12 Developing the Plan (PDF, 5 pages)
How priorities were identified; indicators and analysis of priorities and actions; and process for creating the plan.
13 Goals and Strategies (PDF, 7 pages, 500KB)
Lists strategies for achieving vision under three main pillars.
14 Implementation Plan (PDF, 4 pages)
Addresses maximizing energy conservation within County.
Appendix A : Sustainability Tool-Box (PDF, 39 pages, 500KB)
Appendix B: Community Partners Commitment to Plan (PDF, 1 pages)
Appendix C: Conditions Report (PDF, 59 pages, 700KB)


For more information on the Community Sustainability Plan contact the Huron County Planning and Development Department by calling 519.524.8394 ext. 3.


  • pdf
    Community Sustainability Plan