What is a significant weather event?
As per the Ontario Municipal Act, a municipality may declare a significant weather event when a weather hazard, either forecasted or occurring, has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the roadways in which they have authority.
When the County is experiencing weather that may affect our ability to maintain the County Roads at the service levels that road users would normally expect, we will declare a Signficiant Weather Event. During this time a banner will appear across the top of all County of Huron website pages. Additionally, emails copies of the declaration will be sent to local radio stations, school bus transportation companies, school boards, emergency services, and other key stakeholders. The process adopted by Huron County is similar to other road authorities in Ontario and operates in accordance with Minimum Maintenance Standards.
Typically, a Significant Weather Event Notice from Huron County would follow weather warnings issued by Environment Canada for our area. Weather warnings usually occur when we are experiencing one or more of the following:
- Higher rates of snow accumulation,
- Reduced visibility due to wind blowing snow around,
- Fog,
- Heavy rainfall, or
- Freezing rain
A Significant Weather Event can be issued for:
- All of Huron County,
- The northern part of Huron County (anything north of Highway 8), or
- The southern part of Huron County (anything south of Highway 8)
When weather conditions improve such that Huron County Public Works is able maintain the roads at the expected level of service, we will declare the end of the Significant Weather Event and remove the banner from the County of Huron website.
Please note that this does NOT indicate a closure of any road or an imminent closure of any road. Individual roads that are closed are determined by OPP and notices will be circulated via the OPP as done in prior years. However, residents are urged to remain at home and avoid driving unless travel is necessary when a Significant Weather Event is declared.
As per above, if there are any roads closed by OPP, they may or may not remain closed after the end of the Significant Weather Event. Please refer to OPP announcements for re-opening of roads that have been closed.