Planning Applications

The County of Huron and its nine local municipalities use a cloud-based web application called Cloudpermit to handle all planning-related tasks and applications. This system makes the planning and development process digital and will eventually help us become completely paperless. With Cloudpermit, we can:

  • Accept, review, and approve planning applications
  • Keep communication in one place
  • Circulate planning applications internally and externally
  • Use maps integrated with GIS

To begin, you will need to create a Cloudpermit account. Once registered, you can submit applications and track their progress digitally, from anywhere in the world.

More Information

In addition to the application form, there is also a fee associated with each type of planning application (the fee schedule is available online here).

The following information and guides can be used to help you work through the application process. Please find information relevant to specific application types below.


A condominium plan is like a plan of subdivision in that it is a way of dividing property. Similarly, condominiums must be approved by Council of the County of Huron.

Condominiums are a form of property ownership in that title to a unit is held by an individual together with a share of the rest of the property, which is common to all owners.

Under Section 50(3) of the Condominium Act, an application for approval of a condominium is to follow the same planning approval process as subdivisions. There is an application form and fee required with this process.

Please refer to the Applicant’s Guide to Subdivisions and Condominiums for a detailed summary of the process in Huron County.

Applicants Guide to Subdivisions and Condominiums

Consent (Severance)

A land severance is the authorized separation of a piece of land to form two new adjoining properties. This is commonly known as a severance but more formally it’s called a consent. A consent may also be required for lot additions, boundary adjustments, easements, right-of-ways, validation certificates, or the re-creation of original lots.

Local municipal official plans contain specific land division policies. The approval process for an application depends on whether the property is in Goderich or the rest of Huron County. In both situations, applications are submitted using the Cloudpermit system using the link on this page.

For all severance applications in Huron County except Goderich, who approves the application depends on whether it is considered “disputed” or “undisputed.” Undisputed applications are approved by Huron County’s Planning Director or their alternate and meet three requirements:

  1. are recommended for approval by the local municipality,
  2. have no unresolved concerns/objections from the public or agencies, and
  3. conform with the planning documents (such as the Provincial Policy Statement and official plans).

Disputed applications are those that don’t satisfy all of the  above requirements. Decisions on disputed applications are made by Huron County Council.

The Town of Goderich has a different application process. For details on the Town’s application process, contact their Clerk.

Consent/Severance Guide

Consent sketch example and checklist

Surplus Farm Residence Guide

Minor Variance

If your proposal does not comply exactly to the zoning by-law, but follows its general intent, you can apply for a minor variance. For example, you may want to locate something on your property but the shape of your lot won’t let you meet the minimum setback distance.

Local municipalities have approval authority for Minor Variances. To find out whether your proposed change can be considered as a minor variance, you should contact the Planning and Development Department or your local municipal office.

Applicants Guide to Minor Variance

Official Plan Amendment

If you want to use your property or develop it in a way that conflicts with the County and/or local municipal Official Plans, you will need an Official Plan amendment. The Official Plan Amendment application may request to create or change a policy or land use designation in the Official Plan. In this case, contact the Planning and Development Department as early as possible to discuss your needs. Our staff will work with you and advise if the change is possible, what problems you might encounter and how you should apply.

The County of Huron is the approval authority for Official Plan Amendments.

There is an application form that must be completed with all of the required information. Consulting with the Planner and providing complete information with the application will help to avoid delays during the review.

 Official Plan Amendment Guide

Other Planning Applications

For the following types of planning applications, please use the form found under Resources at the bottom of this page.

  • By-law to deem lots not in a Plan of Subdivision, or the repeal of such by-law
  • Exemption from Part Lot Control
  • Draft Plan Approval Extension of Subdivision/Condominium
  • Agreements – site plan control, subdivision, condominium, development, lot grading and drainage

A Plan of Subdivision application is used for dividing land into multiple parcels that can be sold separately. Plan of Subdivision applications are often required to create multiple lots or if the proposal involves the creation of a municipal street.

To subdivide land within Huron County, you need approval of a plan of subdivision from the Council of the County of Huron.

Subdivision approval ensures that:

  • the land is suitable for its proposed new use;
  • the proposal conforms to the local official plan and provincial legislation; and
  • communities are protected from developments that are inappropriate or may put undue strain on community facilities, services or finances.

A registered plan of subdivision creates new, separate parcels of land and can be legally used for the sale of lots. There is an application form and fee required with this process. Please refer to the Applicant’s Guide to Subdivisions and Condominiums for a detailed summary of the process in Huron County.

Applicants Guide to Subdivisions and Condominiums

Zoning By-Law Amendment

If you want to use or develop your property in a way that is not permitted by the Zoning By-law, you may have to apply for a zoning change, which is also known as a Zoning By-law amendment or a rezoning. A zoning By-law Amendment application may also be submitted to request a temporary use by-law, or to apply for removal of a holding symbol. If a proposed re-zoning does not conform to the Official Plan, an Official Plan Amendment application may also be required.

Local municipalities have approval authority for Zoning By-law amendments.

Contact the Planning and Development Department or your local municipal office for advice and information before you apply for rezoning.

User Guide to Zoning By-Law Amendments