In conjunction with the local municipalities the County of Huron has established a Site Plan Development Technical Servicing Guide. This Guide will serve as a guide and reference to the the engineering components of the site plan development process such as roads, traffic management, water supply, sewage collection, storm water management, lighting. This guide complements the planning processes which focus on land management, permitted uses and restrictions defined through Official Plan and Zoning by-laws.
It is intended that this technical guide will provide developers, County and municipal staff with more of an understanding of technical expectations and studies that may be required to develop a site as well as a further explanation of procedures, , timelines, and a range of associated costs should be expected.
The Guide has been developed in an effort to provide as much information on the site plan process as possible to potential developers and municipal staff. If you have any questions please contact the municipality that the development will be taking place in and they will be happy to answer them for you.
Huron County Lower-Tier Municipalities Contact information: