Waste Management

Solid waste can be dangerous to our community. There is the potential for garbage dumps to pollute surrounding watersheds, or for incinerators to pollute downwind communities. Given these risks, waste management decisions are a local responsibility. The County of Huron is committed to managing waste in a sustainable and practical manner while building a cleaner community and healthy environment.

Remember to follow the BUD rule:

  • Buy only what you need
  • Use it up
  • Dispose of what’s left responsibly

Solid Waste Landfills

The County of Huron’s role in waste management is governed by By-law 14-2001, which establishes how the County and local municipalities plan and operate waste management facilities. Huron County facilitates the optimization of existing landfill capacity for long-term needs, while local municipalities own and operate the landfill sites.


Get Rid of Your Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Day – Exeter


Household Hazardous Waste

It is important to dispose of garbage properly, especially those household products that have poisonous, combustible, explosive or flammable properties. Keeping hazardous materials out of landfill sites protects groundwater, conserves resources through recycling and saves landfill capacity.

To divert household hazardous waste from entering landfills, the County operates a permanent, year-round household hazardous waste depot in Holmesville at the Mid-Huron Recycling Centre and offers an annual Hazardous Waste Disposal Day event. All County residents are encouraged to safely store their household hazardous waste and deliver these materials to the depot, attend a disposal event day or consider one of the other alternative hazardous waste disposal locations.

These disposal services are offered free of charge to all residents of Huron County. For more information, contact Mid Huron Recycling Centre at 519.482.7668

Location: Mid-Huron Recycling Centre, Holmesville
37506A Huron Road
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

NOTE: The last load of waste will be accepted 30 minutes prior to closing.

Sundays and Holidays: Closed


Accepted household hazardous waste includes:

  • acids and alkalines
  • batteries (wet and dry cell)
  • fertilizer
  • florescent bulbs and compact florescent bulbs
  • household cleaners and detergents
  • lawn and garden chemicals
  • mercury switches and thermostats
  • miscellaneous organic waste chemicals
  • miscellaneous waste inorganic chemicals
  • motor oil and other automotive fluids
  • other inorganic sludges, slurries or solids
  • paints, pigments and coatings
  • paints, stains and related solvents/acids and chemical strippers
  • petroleum distillates
  • prescription medicines
  • syringes and sharps (contained in glass, metal or very hard plastic with screw top lid)
  • waste compressed gas including cylinders
  • waxes and polishes

Hazardous waste should remain in its original container! No containers will be returned. Please note that PCB’s, commercial, infectious or radioactive wastes are not accepted at facilities in Huron County.

Septage Treatment

Septic tanks are used by residential, commercial and industrial properties not serviced by sanitary sewers. Septage is waste content (liquids and solids) found in a septic tank. As raw and untreated material, septage must be disposed of by licenced haulers. Septic tanks are pumped on a regular basis, typically every 3 to 5 years, by licenced haulers and septage is spread on land certified to receive it.