Set up an appointment with an immigrant-serving organization

Settlement workers help newcomers settle in their community. They can assist with things like:

  • Completing forms and documents
  • Referrals and help navigating systems such as health care, recreation services, education and taxes
  • Referrals to services and programs
  • Learning about Canadian life and culture
  • Connections to interpretation services

Settlement support is funded by the government and is provided at no cost to newcomers.

For settlement services in Huron County, contact:
The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario
The settlement worker for Huron County:
Firas Sefian
Phone: 226-973-7572

Apply for a social insurance number

Apply in-person:
Service Canada Centre
52 East Street, Goderich, ON
In-person appointments can also be scheduled,
but are not required, at:

Apply online:
Social Insurance Number Application
(Proof of address is required when you apply online)

More information

photo of Service Canada office exterior in Goderich Ontario
Service Ontario Office<br />
Goderich Ontario

Apply for a government health card

Canada’s health insurance system is designed to ensure that all residents of Canada have access to health care. People can apply for public health insurance. When you have public health insurance, you do not pay directly for most health-careservices. Instead, all Canadians share in paying for them through taxes. When you use public healthcare services, you must show your health card to the hospital or medical clinic.

Sign up for the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) in person at:
Service Ontario
38 North Street, Goderich, ON
(Services for new health cards only available at Goderich office)

Open a bank account

You will need to open a Canadian bank account to be able to be paid for work in Canada, and/or apply for financial assistance. To open a bank account, you will need both of the following:

  • Your temporary resident status document
    [copy of your temporary resident permit]
  • Your passport

There are many different banks in Canada. If you want to save money, look for one that offers chequing and savings accounts for free.

Learn more about how to open a bank account

Huron county roads map

Enroll your child in school

Children aged 6 to 18 are required to attend school in Ontario. Many children can begin full day kindergarten programs beginning at age 4.

Local School Boards:

Provide your address

Provide Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada with your Canadian address. Your current address is required to help make sure important documents are not delayed or lost and to ensure your application is not refused or abandoned.

Fill out the address change form online

Huron county roads map

Learn about your community

Obtain a map and walk around to get to know your new home and the local services available.

You can use Google Maps.

Also, research the best way of getting from one place to another using public transportation, taxis, or cars.

In case of emergency

Dial 911. Fire, ambulances, and police can be dispatched by dialing 911 during an emergency. Learn your residential address so that you can direct emergency responders to your home.

If you need to reach the police and it is not an emergency, call the non-emergency line 1-888-310-1122

Huron county roads map

Get a Canadian phone number

Get a local phone number. There are pre-paid and monthly contracts available. There are many different types of plans available depending on your needs and how much you want to pay per month. Special plans are available for people who make many long-distance calls (within Canada or internationally). Certain plans require you to agree to a long-term contract in exchange for cheaper service. Always find out the financial penalties for ending the service contract early and do not make any long-term commitments that you may not be able to keep.

Resources to help you make informed decisions to find the services that are right for your needs and budget are available here.

Some of the largest providers of cellular plans in the area are: Rogers, HuronTel, and TCC. You can evaluate cellular plans on their websites listed below:

There are other phone companies available as well. Research online to find a suitable cell phone service.

How Can We Help?

Huron County is always excited to support new and innovative ideas and businesses.
We’re here to help!

Find Us

57 Napier Street,
Goderich, ON
N7A 1W2


+1 (519) 524-8394 ext.6