Gibbons Street Affordable Housing


The County of Huron is currently in the construction phase of a 40-unit apartment building located on Gibbons Street in Goderich, Ontario. The Gibbons Street apartment has been designed to offer a blend of socio-economic housing units, including supported units, that will help foster an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming environment. When complete, the apartment will contain a mix of one and two-bedroom units.

What makes this development unique?

Addressing the current housing crisis in rural communities requires a totally different approach than what’s typically been used by larger urban centres. Common rural challenges such as sprawling geography, lack of public transit, low population density, and funding limitations mean that smaller communities need to think creatively and innovate if they are to be successful.

The Gibbons Street Affordable Housing development demonstrates how smaller communities can effectively, affordably, and sustainably meet the needs of their communities.

So, how have we done it differently?

We're using a "Dispersed Model of Supportive Housing"

The Gibbons’ development is part of a larger housing strategy that demonstrates a way forward for rural Ontario.  Gibbons is one of three affordable housing developments currently underway at the County of Huron.  By focusing on multiple smaller developments and rethinking the way we utilize our current housing inventory, we are able to provide our community with multiple mixed-use housing options that include a “Dispersed Model for Supportive Housing”.

Supportive Housing is housing that includes additional wrap-around supports designed to assist with life stabilization.  Examples of these supports may include mental health and addiction supports, medical services, financial assistance, life skills development, and/or employment services.

A Dispersed Model of Supportive Housing means having multiple supported units in multiple buildings located throughout the municipality rather than several units in one large supportive housing development. This means that our supported community members) are more likely to be able to stay in their home community, integrate socially, and access the services they need.  This approach prioritizes an individual’s unique needs and leads to greater success for both the individual and the community as a whole.

We've engaged in creative partnerships

Smaller communities often have greater funding challenges and there’s simply no way we could do this alone. To achieve our goals, we’ve brought multiple stakeholders together to provide a financial framework that eases the burden on any single contributor.

  • We’re investing ourselves. The Gibbons development required an initial financial commitment from both the Town of Goderich and the County of Huron. The Town of Goderich sold the land for the development to the County of Huron for $1, and the County has invested in the project and is committed to seeing it through to completion.
  • Maximizing provincial and federal funding opportunities. The County of Huron has utilized funding from the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI) and the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI).
  • Private sector contributions. The County of Huron is immensely grateful to the members of the private sector who’ve supported our housing strategy, including the Gibbons Street development. Multiple members of the private sector have contributed both in-kind services and financial contributions.
We've enlisted community support

We’ve addressed any potential concerns of the community proactively and head on. The Be Part of the Solution campaign provided the local community with educational resources on the topic of homelessness, complete transparency of our actions, and regular updates on our progress.

We’re proud to say that because of this inclusive, proactive, and transparent approach our community has been largely supportive of our goals and welcoming of our progress.

We’re exceeding sustainability and accessibility standards
  • The High Performance Building Standard tool was used in the design of this building. This will result in a build that has a higher efficiency than the provincial standard.
  • The building will have eight barrier free units.
  • The Gibbons Street apartment is deigned to ensure that ongoing maintenance and associated costs are manageable and fiscally responsible.
We’re winning awards!

The first of our three affordable housing developments to be completed was the Bennett Street Triplexes, located in Goderich. The County of Huron was pleased to receive the Outstanding Multi-Unit Residential Project Award for this development from the PHBA Perth-Huron Builders Association‘s 2023 Awards of Distinction event.

We’re sharing the lessons we've learned along the way

The County of Huron continues to participate in a variety of local, regional, and provincial activities where we are excited to exchange ideas and share the lessons we’ve learned with our peers. Working together and learning from each other ensures we can all succeed together.

If you want to learn more about this project or our affordable housing strategy, contact

Frequently Asked Questions

How many units will Gibbons have?
  • Gibbons will have 40 units overall: 30 one-bedroom units and 10 two-bedroom units.
  • The units will offer a mix affordable housing and rent-geared-to-income uses as well as supportive units.
  • Individuals accessing the supportive units will come from the County’s By-Name List (list of individuals experiencing homelessness) and in addition to housing, these tenants will also receive wrap around supports designed to assist with life stabilization.
  • Eight of the units will be barrier free units.
How much will Gibbons cost?
  • The contract for construction has been awarded to Bronnenco Construction Limited for $13,170,796.
  • In addition to reimbursement of development fees, the Town of Goderich sold the property the building will be constructed on to the County of Huron for $1
  • Multiple funding partners are contributing to this development including local provincial, and federal government, as well as private sector contributors.
  • Donations continue to be sourced for this development.
When will the Gibbons Street development be complete?

Construction for the Gibbons Street Affordable Housing development began in spring 2024 and the project is anticipated to be complete by late 2025 or early 2026.

Contribute to This Project

Diamond Donors: Donations greater than $500,000

Diamond Donors recieve:

  • Name on the Diamond Donors recognition plaque to be located at 211 Gibbons Street, Goderich Ontario.
  • Co-operative press release and media outreach.
  • Inclusion in Gibbons grand opening press release and media outreach.
  • Invitation to ribbon-cutting ceremony and grand opening event of the Gibbons Street Apartment.
  • Invitation to Donors event.
  • “Big Cheque” photo-op with County of Huron representatives.
  • Inclusion on a donors’ recognition page on the County of Huron’s website.
  • Additional custom reciprocal agreements entertained.
  • Tax receipt.

The County of Huron proudly works with donors to create custom reciprocal agreements for donations of $100,000 and above. For donations of $100,000 and above, please contact the Executive Assistant to the CAO and Warden, Kate Puska, at 519-524-8394 ext 3224 or kpuska [at] huroncounty [dot] ca.

Platinum Donors: Donations Greater than $250,000

Platinum Donors receive:

  • Name on the Platinum Donors recognition plaque at Gibbons Street
  • Co-operative press release and media outreach
  • Inclusion in Gibbons grand opening press release and media outreach
  • Invitation to Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and grand opening event of Gibbons Street
  • Invitation to Donors event
  • “Big Cheque” photo-op with County of Huron representatives
  • Addition to a donors’ recognition page on the County of Huron’s website
  • Additional custom reciprocal agreements entertained.
  • Tax Receipt

The County of Huron proudly works with donors to create custom reciprocal agreements for donations of $100,000 and above. For donations of $100,000 and above, please contact the Executive Assistant to the CAO and Warden, Kate Puska, at 519-524-8394 ext 3224 or kpuska [at] huroncounty [dot] ca.

Gold Donors: Donations Greater than $100,000

Gold donors receive:

  • Name on the Gold Donors recognition plaque at Gibbons Street
  • Co-operative press release and media outreach
  • Inclusion in Gibbons grand opening press release and media outreach
  • Invitation to Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and grand opening event of Gibbons Street
  • Invitation to Donors event
  • “Big Cheque” photo-op with County of Huron representatives
  • Addition to a donors’ recognition page on the County of Huron’s website
  • Additional custom reciprocal agreements entertained.
  • Tax Receipt

The County of Huron proudly works with donors to create custom reciprocal agreements for donations of $100,000 and above. For donations of $100,000 and above, please contact the Executive Assistant to the CAO and Warden, Kate Puska, at 519-524-8394 ext 3224 or kpuska [at] huroncounty [dot] ca.

Silver Donors: Donations Greater than $25,000

Silver donors receive:

  • Name on the Silver Donors recognition plaque at Gibbons Street
  • Inclusion in Gibbons grand opening press release and media outreach
  • Invitation to Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and grand opening event of Gibbons Street
  • “Big Cheque” photo-op with County of Huron representatives
  • Addition to a donors’ recognition page on the County of Huron’s website
  • Tax Receipt

For more information, please contact the Executive Assistant to the CAO and Warden, Kate Puska, at 519-524-8394 ext 3224 or kpuska [at] huroncounty [dot] ca.

Bronze Donors: Donations greater than $10,000

Bronze donors receive:

  • Name on the Bronze Donors recognition plaque at Gibbons Street
  • Inclusion in Gibbons grand opening press release and media outreach
  • Invitation to Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and grand opening event of Gibbons Street
  • “Big Cheque” photo-op with County of Huron representatives
  • Addition to a donors’ recognition page on the County of Huron’s website
  • Tax Receipt

For more information, please contact the Executive Assistant to the CAO and Warden, Kate Puska, at 519-524-8394 ext 3224 or kpuska [at] huroncounty [dot] ca.

All Contributors

All contributors (donations greater than $20) receive:

  • Invitation to Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony and grand opening event of Gibbons Street
  • Tax Receipt

Legacy giving to the County of Huron’s Gibbons Street project helps address housing and homelessness in the region and improves quality of life for your community.

Legacy donors can bequeath monetary donations by contacting the Treasury Department by contacting Marianne McIsaac at 519-524-8394 ext 3221. Use donation code “Gibbons”.

Community Fundraising Campaigns

Community fundraising campaigns are welcome for the Gibbon’s Street project. By leading a community fundraiser, you are helping to champion for affordable housing and homelessness solutions in Huron.

In-Kind Donations

The Gibbons Street project will require a variety of capital investments such as landscaping, furnishings, operational needs, and other supports. In-kind donations are accepted through prearranged agreement, must be of new materials, and meet the current requirements of the project.

In-kind donations receive the same benefits as monetary donations at the equivalent retail value.

Project Champions

Even if you are unable to support this project with a financial contribution you can still contribute by being a champion for affordable housing and homelessness solutions in Huron.

Be Part of the Solution!

Be a champion for affordable housing and homelessness solutions in Huron

Contact your local MP and MPP

Contact your local MP and/or MPP to let them that know that funding for affordable housing projects is important to you. Scroll down this page to access sample letters.

Donate Today!

For donations of $10,000 and above, please contact the Executive Assistant to the CAO and Warden, Kate Puska, at 519-524-8394 ext 3224 or kpuska [at] huroncounty [dot] ca.

Cheque/money orders can be made payable to Treasurer – County of Huron. Forward to County of Huron, Social Services Attention: Jayme Koskamp at 77722D London Road, RR 5, Clinton, ON N0M 1L0. “Gibbons” can be referenced in the cheque memo.

Credit card donations can be made through the Treasury Department by contacting Marianne McIsaac at 519-524-8394 ext 3221. Use donation code “Gibbons”.

Unfortunately, e-transfers cannot be accepted at this time. Please ensure a return address is included for tax receipt purposes.

Why Should I Help Fund This Project?

Healthy communities need robust housing ecosystems

The County of Huron knows that homelessness cannot be solved by applying temporary or band-aid solutions designed to assist only those individuals actively in crisis. We know that if we’re to be successful, we must address the entire Housing Continuum. The Housing Continuum represents the range of housing types available in a community. Healthy communities have a wide variety of adequate housing choices available that reflect the unique needs of the community.

Learn more about Huron’s Housing Contiuumn:

To help prevent and address homelessness

The County of Huron works alongside many community partners to prevent and adress homelessness in Huron County.  Affordable housing developments, like the Gibbons Street development, directly impact the County’s ability to find housing solutiuons for individuals and families in crisis.

Learn more about what the County of Huron is doing to prevent and adress homlessness in the Be Part of the Solution brochure.

To support local experts in affordable housing development and management

County of Huron has a proven track record of building and managing affordable housing in Huron County.  We currently own and maintain 415 rent-geared-to-income units and we have three new affordable housing developments currently underway, in various stages of development.  

Because we need your help to make projects like these happen in our community

It’s takes an entire community, including multiple levels of government, multiple community stakeholders, and good neighbours like you, to make positive change in a community.  By working together we can end homelessness in Huron County.

Photo Gallery

Contact Your MP and MPP


Member of Parliament

Contact your local MP to let them know that affordable housing and solutions to end homelessness are important to you.

HC Wheat Photo

Member of Provincial Parliament

Contact your local MP to let them know that affordable housing and solutions to end homelessness are important to you.

Other County of Huron Affordable Housing Developments

HC Wheat Photo

Bennett Street Triplexes

Two new triplexes have been developed on Bennett Street in Goderich. These triplexes were developed on an existing County housing site utilizing funds from the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative, Social Services Relief Fund, and the County of Huron.

The triplexes are designed as per the County’s High Efficiency Building Standard and with a lens of accessibility for the main floor units.

Designed by JPM Architecture Inc. (formally Allan Avis Architects) of Goderich.

HC Wheat Photo

Sanders Street Apartment

A 20-unit apartment building is currently under construction on Sanders Street in Exeter. This apartment building is being constructed on an existing County housing site utilizing funds from the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative. It is anticipated to be complete by late 2024. Additional funding continues to be sourced to support this project.

Designed by JPM Architecture Inc. (formally Allan Avis Architects) of Goderich.