Volunteers required for project supporting newcomers

February 14, 2022

Huron County, Ontario – A new Huron-Perth project is seeking volunteers to assist new residents to Canada. Volunteers will mentor new Canadians and temporary foreign workers as they settle in rural communities in our region.

“Social isolation has been particularly difficult for people who are new to Canada and live in our rural communities during the COVID-19 social restrictions,” said Sheila Schuehlein, Research Chair of Rural Health Coaching at Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health. “This project seeks to equip volunteers with the skills to support rural newcomers in our communities.”

Volunteers will take part in a webinar training series where they will learn to build connections, offer appropriate support, and develop tools to become agents of change in their communities

Following the training, volunteers will be invited to join a peer support pilot program to assist new residents to Canada.

People who have lived experience of immigrating to Canada, and have settled in Huron, Perth, Lambton or Middlesex Counties, are urged to volunteer. Training sessions will be facilitated using digital technology.

“Rural loneliness and social isolation are significant challenges faced by many in Huron and Perth Counties. Newcomers and temporary workers in Huron and Perth face the added difficulties of language barriers, precarious work conditions, and an ineligibility for government support, further compounding the challenges of isolation,” explained Kristin Crane of the Huron County Immigration Partnership.

“Volunteerism is at the heart of our community,” said Huron County Warden, Glen McNeil. “Efforts like these inspire intentional acts of kindness, build the social fabric of our communities and improve the well-being of both the new residents to Canada and the volunteers too.”

To sign up to take the volunteer training, please visit https://connectedcountyofhuron.ca/newcomer-volunteers

For more information, please contact:

Mark Nonkes
Immigration Partnership Communications Officer
Huron County Immigration Partnership
Economic Development
County of Huron
Email: mnonkes@huroncounty.ca
Cell: (519) 524-0296

The County of Huron asks the community to continue respecting all public health guidelines in response to COVID-19. Stay informed on the COVID-19 situation in Huron County by visiting www.HPPH.ca.


For more information contact:

Glen McNeil, Warden
519.524.8394 (ext 3224)