Public Health Matters – Happy New Year!

January 5, 2016

Happy New Year! Hard to believe, aye? I am not generally one to make New Year’s resolutions as I find a year is too long to wait before making important life altering changes, which New Year’s resolutions often are.

Sometimes it’s not about altering your life, but appreciating and building on what your life already has, such as seniors keeping their healthy and independent lifestyles.

How does this relate to our work? In public health, we work to increase the number of people living in safe and supportive environments. We also work to reduce the number and severity of injuries and injury-related hospitalizations, disabilities, and deaths. These two goals are part of the Ontario Public Health Standards.

When a person has a fall they can be injured, and that injury can be life altering, especially for older adults. Similar to when you go through puberty, when you become an older adult there are lots of new things you need to learn to maintain the lifestyle you cherish.

Here at the Health Unit, we are one of many organizations in Huron County who strive to keep seniors living independent and active lives. We partner with other organizations through a group called Stepping Out Safely where we work to close the gaps seniors may ‘fall’ through.

We also work with motivated community groups like Bayfield Home4Good and Huron East Age-Friendly to help make our communities ones where older adults can thrive.

Through Finding Balance Ontario, we promote the messages: Check Your Medication, Speak Up About Dizziness, Watch Your Step and Keep Active! Visit to learn more.

We also attend senior health fairs and speak to seniors groups to give easy-to-follow tips and ideas so you can stay independent.

Be sure to tell your healthcare provider if you’ve had a fall, as it can be a canary in a coal mine about another issue. You can take steps to prevent a future fall!

Today’s Tip: Most communities in Huron County have FREE exercise & fall prevention classes for older adults (55+ or even younger if you have a chronic condition). Contact ONE CARE Home & Community Services to find a class near you! Call 1.877.502.8277 or visit for a full listing of their classes and locations.

For more information contact:

Susan Cronin, County Clerk
519.524.8394 (ext 3257)