Notice to Public Regarding Provincial Offences Act (POA) Matters

March 16, 2020

All Provincial Offences Act matters scheduled from Monday, March 16, 2020 through to and including Friday, April 3, 2020 will be adjourned and rescheduled to a later date. If you have a matter scheduled during this time, you do not need to attend court.

A notice of your new court date will be sent to you by mail to the address on file with the court. For more information, please contact your local Provincial Offences court.
Contact information for all municipal courts is available here:
In addition, please be advised that the Chief Justice has made an order pursuant to s. 85 extending certain timelines for the Ontario Court of Justice under the Provincial Offences Act until April 23, 2020.

The following timelines have been extended:
Sections 5(6), 5.1(b), 5.1(12), 9(1)(a), 11(1), 11(4), 17.1(6.1), 18(1), 18.1(5), 18.2(1), 18.3(1), 19, 66(1), 69(1), 116(2)(a), 116(3) and 135(2) of the Provincial Offences Act, and sections 5(2) and 5(3) of the Rules of the Ontario Court (General Division) and the Ontario Court (Provincial Division) in Appeals Under Section 116 of the Provincial Offences Act, O. Reg. 723/94.

A copy of the order is available on the Ontario Court of Justice website. It will also be available at all POA court offices as soon as practicable.


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For more information contact:

Huron County Provincial Offences Administration,
519.524.8394 (ext 2)