Message bikes to promote cycling safety

May 14, 2015

Huron County, ON – Head injuries are the number one cause of serious injury and death to kids on bicycles, but the right helmet can make a dramatic difference.

To get people thinking about helmet use and cycling safety, the Huron County Health Unit will be touring special Message Bikes at schools around the county. These bright orange bikes will be parked at schools’ bicycle racks. Look for the attached bike helmets, each with a thought-provoking message!

A properly fitted and correctly worn helmet can make a dramatic difference, cutting the risk of serious head injury by up to 80%. Parents need to set an example when they ride bicycles as well as ensure their children use helmets and ride safely.

Up to 90% of all injuries are predictable and preventable. Here are ways to prevent cycling injuries:

Protect Your Head, Wear a Helmet

  • A properly fitted and correctly worn bike helmet can make a dramatic difference, cutting the risk of serious head injury by up to 80%

Check Your Ride

  • Ensure bikes are adjusted to the recommended height for the rider, tires are inflated and brakes are working properly

Be Prepared

  • Get trained in bicycle safety and rules of the road, use appropriate hand signals and obey all traffic signs

Pick Family Friendly Routes

  • Use designated areas for riding when available Ride in Well Lit Areas Be sure your bike has reflectors and lights if planning to ride in low lit areas

Pick the Right Side of the Road

  • Tell your kids to ride on the right side of the road, the same direction that traffic is going and to stay as far right as possible

Use Your Bell

  • Ensure your bike is equipped with a bell to announce when passing. If not, use your voice!

Learn more about riding safely at a local bicycle rodeo. A bicycle rodeo will be held June 9 from 5 p.m. -7:30 p.m. at the South Huron arena, sponsored by local Optimists and OPP. Check with your municipality to see if there is a rodeo near you.

Jumpstart through Canadian Tire helps kids get active by funding activities for families in financial need. To see if you qualify, call Big Brothers Big Sisters 519.237.3554 or 519.524.4361 or contact Jumpstart


For more information contact:

Our media contact is: Rita Marshall, Communications Coordinator, Huron County Health Unit, 519.482.3416 or toll-free 1.877.837.6143 ext. 2023 or

Our spokesperson is: Marguerite Falconer or Johanna Calamusa, Public Health Nurses. Our media contact will connect you to our spokesperson on this topic.


For more information contact:

Susan Cronin, County Clerk
519.524.8394 (ext 3257)