International Plowing Match Cross County Convoy

August 17, 2016

What seemed so far away is now just around the corner! To celebrate ‘one–year away’ the IPM 2017 Entertainment Committee has put together an IPM Cross County Convoy on Sunday September 25th, 2016, following Wellington County IPM 2016.  With a goal of 100 tractors, tractors of all years and models with a minimum speed of 10 miles/ hour will leave the IPM 2016 match site in Wellington County at 11:00 AM and arrive at the Brussels Arena at 4:00 PM, a total of 51km.  The tractors will be led out of Wellington by IPM 2017 Executive Member and marathon runner, Lynne Godkin. Bleachers will line Sports Drive in Brussels for the community to welcome their arrival.

“The International Plowing Match and Rural Expo is so much more than tractors and plowing,” says Jacquie Bishop, Chair of IPM 2017. “That is why we are inviting others to participate in the convoy.”

Non-tractor participants will be gathering at Brussels Livestock and will join in the convoy.  To participate in the convoy, register with Brad & Trina McBride at 519.226.3227 or by email

Following their arrival, there will be a Harvest Dinner at 5:30 PM put on by the Brussels Agriculture Society to raise funds to host the Brussels Fall Fair at IPM 2017 and an Entertainment Show at 7:00 PM featuring a preview of acts that will be attending IPM 2017.  Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for kids (6-12) and can be purchased from members of the Brussels Agriculture Society, McGavins Farm Equipment, and Townsend Tire. 

For information regarding ticket purchases and the Entertainment Show contact Sherry McCall at 519.527.1307.



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    Cross County Convoy, Harvest Dinner and Variety Concert Event Poster
For more information contact:

Emily Morrison, Marketing Coordinator
519.524.8394 (ext 3267)