Information Session on Wind Turbine Study

October 12, 2017

Huron County, ON – Huron County residents are invited to an information session about a wind turbine study hosted by the Huron County Health Unit. The session is about the upcoming study regarding reported human health concerns associated with living near industrial wind turbines. There will be information on the upcoming study and time for residents’ questions. Registration for the study will not start for several weeks.

Meeting information:

Date: Thursday, October 26, 2017

Time: 7 p.m.

Location: Auditorium at the Health & Library Complex, 77722B London Road RR#5, Clinton, ON

Seating is limited, so please let us know if you plan to attend. Call 519-482-3416 and dial 0 to speak to the receptionist about attending.


For more information contact:

Rita Marshall, Communications Coordinator
519.482.3416 (ext 2023)
Erica Clark, Epidemiologist. Our media contact will connect you to our spokesperson on this topic.