May 1 is the next deadline for individuals and organizations to submit applications for the Huron Heritage Fund. The Huron Heritage Fund encourages the preservation of heritage assets, publications and activities of heritage importance to the County of Huron and its residents.
Past projects have included support for restoration work at Hensall Heritage Hall and Sloman School Car Museum in Clinton. Groups such as The Huron Pioneer Threshers and the Goderich Celtic Folk Society have also accessed these funds for projects in recent years. The fund has also been used to support the publication of books such as Stories of Stained Glass as St. George’s Church by Eleanor Smith.
“The County will contribute up to 50% of the costs of a project to a maximum of $5,000,” says Meighan Wark, Director of Cultural Services. This investment leverages other groups or individuals to invest in Huron County’s heritage also.
Projects will assist in the preservation and restoration of heritage landmarks, historic buildings, and objects of historical significance not owned by the County of Huron. Heritage events and publications may also qualify for support under this program. An increased focus is being placed on the local tourism impacts of the projects as well their ability to build heritage capacity in Huron County.
More information about the application process can be found on the County’s web site and brochures are also available at all public libraries in Huron County.