Clinton, Ontario – Municipalities from within Huron County will be hosting a Candidate Information Session for anyone interested in running as a candidate in the 2018 Municipal Election. The session will take place on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Libro Hall in Clinton (300 Bill Fleming Drive). All are welcome, and pre-registration is not required.
As there have been many changes enacted to the Municipal Elections Act, this session will be of benefit to newcomers to the municipal election process, as well as those who have participated in past elections. Topics discussed at this session include:
- Presentation by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs
- Role of council and head of council
- Role of municipal staff
- Role of school board trustees
- Nominations, key dates and process
- Eligibility to run for various offices
- Candidate duties
- General campaign rules
- Compliance audits and penalties
- Voter’s list and proxy voting
- Scrutineers
- Recounts
- Resources
- Endorsements and Nominations
Election Day is October 22, 2018 and nominations will be accepted during regular business hours from Tuesday, May 1st to Friday, July 27, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. By attending the Candidate Information Session, potential municipal council and school board trustee candidates, potential third party advertisers, spouses or partners and anyone interested in learning more about local government will have an opportunity to become familiar with the overall election process, pick up an election package from their municipality and learn the specific requirements related to the nomination process such as advertising, financial reporting, etc. prior to submitting nomination forms.